
Vegan Muscle Diet: Bodybuilding and Vegan Fitness

Vegan Muscle Diet: Bodybuilding and Vegan Fitness

This time I want to share with you a diet prepared by Robert Cheeke, who is a vegan, champion in bodybuilding and a speaker (motivator); He is also the founder and President of the Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness Foundation, which is an organization dedicated to supporting vegans in the world of natural bodybuilding and all fitness enthusiasts; Without more to add here I leave the diet (below the link of the aforementioned organization; website where I translated this article).

Please note that these programs have not been approved by the FDA or any other nutrition authority. They are designed for active vegans, and for all types of athletes. The 6 meals a day plan helps keep your body in an anabolic state with a positive nitrogen balance and will keep you fueled throughout the day. Eating frequent meals will also speed up metabolism, the body’s ability to burn fat. ”   The programs listed may incorporate more foods than you are used to eating in one day, but remember they were created by a bodybuilder.


Berry mix bowl (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) 

½ grapefruit 

2 bananas with raw coconut oil 

16 oz. Freshly squeezed juice 


Nuts dish (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts) 

2-4 servings of dates 

16 oz fruit shake with Vega meal replacement powder 

Bean / broccoli salad (beans, chickpeas, broccoli, spinach, peas, green beans, carrots, green peppers, lettuce, beets).
16 oz fruit shake with Vega meal replacement powder 

16 oz of water 



Spinach, kale, cabbage leaves and broccoli, avocado, pine nuts, and sliced ​​tomatoes.
Snow peas and green beans  

2 large peaches or nectarines

16 oz of water 

7:00 p.m.
vegetable platter with hummus and large raw flax crackers
Green salad with sprouts, leaves, fruit, and seeds
Live or raw pizza soup
16 oz. Of fruit smoothie with protein powder

10 p.m.
2 servings of mixed seeds (seeds pumpkin, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds)
2 servings potato chips or dulse seaweed
16 oz. water

Moderate Protein / Bodybuilding product calories from Nutrition Program

Smoothie with orange juice, strawberries, blueberries, bananas and Vega powdered meal replacement
Cereal bowl with vegan hempmilk
2 buns with almond butter or hummus
16 oz of water

Raw Bar Restaurant
Un citrus fruit bowl
2 servings of protein mix (peanuts, pumpkin seeds, cashews, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds)
16 oz. water

1:00 PM
Veggie sandwich or chili
2 yams
large green salad
16 oz. of natural fruit juice

Vega meal replacement powder mixed with 12 oz of juice or water
2 bananas with almond cream
16 oz water

4 slices of homemade vegetarian pizza
Plate of brown rice, green beans, beans and peas.
hempmilk 16 oz. of juice, or water

whole vegetables or fruits (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, apple, pear, orange)
2 servings of pineapple
16 oz. of water

Mostly fruits and vegetables Nutrition

2 kiwis
2 peaches or nectarines sliced
Fruit smoothie with meal powder Vega substitution
16 oz citrus juice

Slices of melon, melon and watermelon
Dried fruit dish
Celery sticks with coconut oil
16 oz. Of water

1:00 PM
large bowl of mashed potatoes with mushrooms, carrots, green peas, green beans and broccoli.
Green salad with kale, spinach, cabbage, tomato, olives, and sprinkled seeds or walnuts
16 oz of fruit juice
16 oz of water

Fruit salad (the stretch up to apples, pineapple, banana, peaches and pears, mango)
Green salad with sprinkled nuts and seeds
16 oz of fruit juice or soy milk

Cob of corn (or cob)
Eggplant or steamed pumpkin.
Rice and Beans with Mixed Vegetables
16 oz. Protein Shake

10:00 PM
Vegetable Soup

Flax Cookies or Seaweed
Shavings Almond Milk 16 oz.
16 oz. Water 

High Protein / High Calorie Bodybuilding Nutrition Program

7:00 AM
2 Cups Oatmeal
2 Vegan Pancakes acheter oxymetholone
Hemp Protein Drink (Vega, or Other)
16 oz Hempmilk or Almond Milk
Multivitamin Supplement

10:00 AM
2 Energy & Protein Bars (Food, Vega Bars, Smart Monkey Bar)
Hemp / Rice Protein Shake (Orange Juice, Protein Powder, Strawberries, Banana, Ice Cubes)
2 Mangoes
16 oz. Juice orange

16 oz. Water with L-Glutamine Amino Acid

1:00 PM
4 slices of vegetarian pizza
Pea protein shake (hempmilk, yellow pea protein powder, strawberries, banana, ice cubes)
Tortillas and hummus
nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts)
16 oz. of water

Vegetables with coconut oil or almond butter
hempmik bananas 16 oz

16 oz water

Large Vegetable burrito (brown rice, black beans, pinto beans, avocado, tomato, onion, omelette)
Summer squash
Green salad
spread avocado on flax or celery crackers
8 oz juice pineapple

16 oz. Water with L-Glutamine Amino Acid

10:00 PM
Hemp / Pea Protein Shake (hempmilk, hemp / protein powder for peas, strawberries, banana, ice cubes)
Yam or Sweet Potato
Vitamins and mineral supplements

General Bodybuilding Program Nutrition

07:00 large
bowl of
Vega Oatmeal Infused Smoothie (protein, fiber, vegetables, essential fats)
2 bananas
Vitamins and mineral supplements
24 oz. of water

Protein or shake meal
replacement 2 pieces of whole fruit
20 oz water

Veggie burrito or sandwich
Dish of Potatoes, Broccoli, Carrots, Peas, and Young Corn
24 oz. Of water

4:00 PM
Mix of raw, unsalted nuts (cashews, walnuts, almonds)
2 energy and protein bars (Food, Vega or Pro bars) of Lawyers)
20 oz of water

7:00 pm
Vegetables sautéed with quinoa and mango chutney
Spinach, lettuce, coleslaw w / beans / chickpeas
hempmilk 12 oz of chocolate
24 oz of water

Protein or shake meal replacement

Apples or dates with coconut oil
16 oz. Of water

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